Going Green in Your Career – Electrical and Renewable Energy Technology

For some people, being environmentally aware and proactive is more important than ever. Millennials in particular have a passion for exploring jobs and careers that fall into the “green” category. In fact, experts estimate that this environmentally-conscious generation will comprise 75% of the workforce by 2025. Renewable energy (wind, solar and geothermal) is on the rise, and it’s the topic of this final installment in Lincoln Tech’s blog series, “Going Green in Your Career.”
Get a Grounding in Green Technologies at Lincoln Tech.
Lincoln’s Tech’s Electrician and Electronics training programs were designed to meet society’s continuous demands for high and low-voltage electrical support in business and residential settings. At Lincoln Tech campuses in East Windsor, New Britain and Shelton, CT, students gain hands-on experience working with alternate energy technologies like fuel cells, photovoltaic systems, wind turbines and more.
Marc Nowak, an instructor at East Windsor explains, “Our Electrical and Renewable Energy Technology graduates are prepared for the recent developments in renewable technologies. They are introduced to green technologies in courses that cover fuel cells and renewable energy. We also provide hands-on training in installation and calculation of Hybrid Photovoltaic Installations, and the fundamentals of wind turbines.”
According to careeronestop.org, a website maintained by the U.S. Department of Labor, the nation’s two fastest-growing careers are in alternative energies – check out the projections for solar photovoltaic installers and wind turbine service technicians!*
Graduates of this program are qualified as entry-level Electrician Apprentices who may work in residential, commercial, industrial and “Green Energy” settings under the guidance of a licensed electrician.
A Sunny Outlook for Renewable Energy Careers.
Last year the U.S. Department of Energydetermined the number of Americans working in solar electricity generation surpassed the combined number of those working in the oil, coal and gas industries. As the electrical industry ramps up its green technology initiatives, more than 800,000 electrician and electronics professionals jobs** are slated to become available nationwide by 2026.
If a green career in Electrical and Renewable Energy Technology interests you, please reach out to your local Lincoln Tech campus for more information or to schedule a tour. Lincoln also provides training for other industries that put a priority on being environmentally friendly - check out Green Technology in Lincoln’s HVAC and Diesel and Truck with Alternative Fuel Technology programs.
*Graduates of Lincoln Tech can qualify for these positions with additional training and/or apprenticeships. Visit the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics website for more information.
**National figures cited above are based on projected annual job openings which refers to the average annual job openings due to growth and net replacement. This data was compiled from the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the years 2016-2026, www.careeronestop.org, captured on March 27, 2018. State-specific employment projections can also be found at careeronestop.org for the years 2014 -2024.