5 ways night school can help you build professional skills

If you’re holding down a day job but thinking of going to night school to get ahead, you’re far from alone. Enrolling for night classes at community colleges or vocational schools can give you the flexibility of keeping the job – and the paycheck - you already have while furthering your education and laying the groundwork to a better future for yourself and your family.
Night school can be an excellent way to build career skills and break into industries that are growing where you live. Schools like Lincoln Tech offer evening class schedules that can fit around your day job so you can continue to “earn while you learn!”
The benefits of attending night school at Lincoln Tech
1. Cost: Night schedules generally mean you’ll need more weeks to complete your training program – and by spreading out your coursework over a longer period of time, you can potentially make the costs easier to manage by spreading out tuition payments as well.*
2. Smaller classes: Depending on your learning style and the complexity of the subject matter, you may have better success in the smaller groups (often, half the size of daytime groups) that populate nighttime classes. Instructors can provide more personalized attention with fewer students to oversee, allowing those without field experience the opportunity to receive more tailored hands-on instruction.
3. Dedicated instructors: At many schools, instructors teaching the evening schedules are part-timers whose careers aren’t focused on teaching. At Lincoln Tech, on the other hand, 90 percent of our instructors are full-time, meaning they’re “all in” when it comes to quality training.
4. Easier transportation: Many of our students find it easier to secure use of a car in the evening hours. If other family members need to use the car during the day, plan a night school schedule so you’ll have access to transportation when you need it.
5. Higher potential salaries: Finding a way to fit tech school into your life is worth your while; the Bureau of Labor Services has conducted studies detailing how median weekly earnings rise incrementally with education level. And vocational training can lead to an excellent return on investment: research indicates 27 percent of those who hold vocational licenses or certificates earn more than the average bachelor’s degree recipient.
Attending night school while working a day job can be challenging, but for many people it’s the ticket to a better future. Contact Lincoln Tech to determine how an evening schedule might help improve your future!
*Speak to a Financial Aid representative for more information.