Lincoln Tech Helps Inmates Prepare For New Lives

Press Release
WEST ORANGE, NJ – November 13, 2017 – Lincoln Tech is proud to announce the completion of career training for inmates of the Fort Dix Federal Correctional Institution in Burlington County, NJ. Lincoln Tech’s Union, NJ campus was chosen by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Prisons to deliver its Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) training program to more than 30 men as they prepare to seek out new jobs upon their release.
A graduation ceremony for the inmates was held earlier this Fall to congratulate them for their hard work and dedication. Dr. Kevin Kirkley, President of the Union campus, addressed the graduates at the ceremony. Scott Shaw, Lincoln Tech’s President and CEO, says the program was successful on many levels.
“It was an honor to be selected to work with the Bureau of Prisons,” says Shaw. “This was a unique opportunity to assist an underserved segment of our population as they transition into a new stage in their lives, and we feel confident that the skills they learned from our instructors will go a long way toward helping them maintain a sense of stability as they reintegrate into their communities.”
“We look forward to the next opportunity to work with the Fort Dix staff as they have been extremely professional and exceptional partners in this goal to provide skills to those inmates re-entering society,” he adds.
Over the course of the program, inmates selected for participation received instruction and training in HVAC industry subjects such as heating systems and controls, basic refrigeration, hermetic systems, energy efficiency and more. Instructors from the Union campus worked at a facility within the Fort Dix complex to provide training, and Lincoln Tech supplied all needed equipment and tools.
“The Fort Dix Training program was remarkable,” says Dr. Kirkley. “It provided resources to individuals that allowed them to prepare themselves with skills training while incarcerated. This ultimately improves their chances for success when reentering society. When you give a person a skill you provide them with the tools necessary to lead a productive life. All of society wins when recidivism is reduced along with these individuals embarking on rewarding lives and productive careers.”
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