Take These 6 Steps to Become a Welder

How to Become a Welder in 6 Simple Steps
Becoming a professional in any field takes time. As much as you might want to become an expert overnight, it requires time and work. You must put many hours into studying your chosen field, and you must be dedicated to growing your skills and expanding your knowledge base. It takes a lot of effort and dedication, but once you have come out on the other side you will be able to say that you have mastered the craft. Whatever profession you decide to dedicate your time to, there are many levels you must gradually master, step by step.
When working to become a welder, for example, there are multiple steps to the process. Working from the very basics, you test the waters to ensure you want to continue to the next level. As you take each step towards becoming a welder, you will learn more and more about the craft – which makes you more attractive to employers.
Follow these six steps to become a professional welder who gets noticed by hiring managers:
Do the background work - When choosing a profession, it is important to do a little bit of digging before you commit. You should research the demands of the job, what a typical day looks like, and what the job forecast looks like.
Get basic experience - Welding requires skill. Even if you're a quick study, welding requires instruction and practice. Make sure that you have taken some type of introductory class to ensure it is something you are interested in and something you are capable of doing.
Pinpoint the type of welding you enjoy most - There are various kinds of welding and it helps to have varied experience in a number of disciplines (see #6), but it is also nice to know what your niche is. If you want to work in a particular job, you may need a specific skill set.
Acquire the proper certifications - Depending on the type of welding job you aspire to, you may need additional certifications – ensure that you acquire the American Welding Society (AWS) certificate at the very least.
Add variety to your experience - Become familiar with stick welding, MIG welding and TIG welding. It will be helpful to know various welding skills when it's time to get your foot in the door.
Once you have completed the steps and landed a job, you will officially be a welder. However, that doesn't mean the learning process is over. In order to move upward in your career you will have to constantly work to expand your skill sets and seek out additional certifications. By improving your knowledge base you will be recognized as an employee worthy of promotions or even move to open your own business. Although the label of the professional may be achieved, there is always something higher to aim for. If you want to further your education or seek additional training, consider the welding technology program available at Lincoln Technical Institute and Lincoln College of Technology. You will deepen your understanding of the profession and open yourself to more job opportunities, allowing you to widen your options as you expand your career as a welder.