Electrical & Electronic Systems Technology
Allentown, PA
Allentown, PA
The State of Pennsylvania predicts 10% job growth in this field through 20301. With that kind of employment potential, Lincoln Tech’s electrical training in Allentown, PA is a great option when you’re looking to start on a new career path.
Students enrolled in the Electrical and Electronic Systems Technology career training program study high and low-voltage electrical and electronic systems. High voltage electrical courses include hands-on training with wiring, material applications, electrical controls and solar. Low-voltage electronic courses include hands-on practical-application exercises with wiring security systems, entertainment systems, telecommunications systems and other integrated devices. Students are also taught the programming of fire alarm systems and audio visual applications. All training is geared to giving students real-world skills that are in high demand.
Highlights of Electrical Technician Training
- Learn to use industry-standard tools to install and maintain service panels, lighting fixtures, alarm systems, cabling systems, industrial motors, and conduit benders.
- Install, troubleshoot and service fire alarm systems, home theater equipment, closed-circuit TV systems, Satellite/cable TV equipment, and whole-home automation equipment.
- Work with high-voltage electrical applications for residential and commercial settings.
- Prepare for apprenticeships and licensing necessary to becoming a practicing Pennsylvania electrician.
Get connected to an incredible new career – Lincoln Tech’s Allentown campus can help you get started. The following career training program is currently offered at Lincoln Tech in Allentown, PA:
Electrical and Electronic Systems Technology (View Course Descriptions)
Campus Address
Lincoln Technical Institute
5151 Tilghman Street
Allentown, PA 18104
United States
Need Help?
Lincoln representatives are always ready and happy to assist you. Our advisors are available seven days a week to help you reach your career goals!
1 National Center for O*NET Development. Pennsylvania Employment Trends: 47-2111.00 - Electricians. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved July 13, 2023, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/localtrends/47-2111.00?st=PA.
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