Frequently Asked Questions for the East Windsor CT Lincoln Tech Campus
Available Program Areas - What Certificate and Diploma Programs Are Offered?
The following program areas are offered at our East Windsor campus:
- Automotive Technology
- Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology
- Diesel and Truck Technology
- Electrician Training
- Medical Assistant
- Welding Technology
The East Windsor campus of Lincoln Technical Institute is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).
How Are Lincoln Tech Programs Structured?
Multiple courses make up a program, and each course represents anywhere from 720 to 1,560 class time hours. We offer a few different approaches to career training to help students prepare for jobs in the industry:
- For the person wanting training in the shortest amount of time possible in a specialized area the school offers a focused selection of certificate programs.
- For the person wanting comprehensive training geared towards succeeding as a professional technician, the school offers diploma programs which prepare students for entry-level positions in their chosen field.
Rules and Regulations vary by state. The conferred certificate or diploma awarded by the school is in accordance with the state of Connecticut. For a description of the subject matter covered in each course, please refer to the factsheets available under each program.
Lincoln Tech School Facilities at the East Windsor Campus
Lincoln Technical Institute is a 315,000 square-foot facility on 40 acres in the town of East Windsor, Connecticut. This facility is conveniently located off Interstate 91 (Exit 44) just north of Hartford, the capitol city, and Bradley International Airport. Springfield, Massachusetts is just a few exits to the north. The facility contains 30 classrooms, 2 fully-equipped computer labs, a learning resource center, an auditorium, administrative offices including financial aid, admissions, student services, career services, a fully functional cafeteria and over 260,000 square feet of practical shop space. The shop space contains fully equipped training areas. Parking is available for over 800 vehicles.
Lincoln Tech Staff Directory
The staff directory for Lincoln Tech’s East Windsor campus is available on pages 8-to-10 of the campus’ catalog addendum.
Lincoln Tech School Cancellations
In case of severe snowstorms, or hazardous conditions, the school closing will be announced over the local TV stations and via the LincAlert notification system.
Is Student Housing Available?
Lincoln Technical Institute partners with EduRent to offer housing within a convenient distance to the school. Anyone interested in housing, should contact the Director of Student Services by calling the school. There are also other accommodations located within a reasonable distance from the school. For more information, please contact the Director of Student Services.
Lincoln Tech East Windsor Program Costs
The estimated education expenses for the programs offered at the East Windsor campus varies by the program selected. These estimates include tools, uniforms and fees associated with the program selected.
Methods of Payment: Total Academic Term Costs are due in advance of each Academic Term. However, if this presents a hardship, please visit the Financial Aid office to determine your eligibility for alternative methods of payment. These may include short term payment plans; long-term payment plans; long-term extended financing plans; Title IV financial aid programs; cash; check; credit card; or other agreeable method. If installment payments are made, a separate contract must be completed and made part of this agreement. Students who receive financing from Tuition Funding Group must review and sign the Supplement Enrollment Agreement.
Lincoln Tech Class Schedules – How Do They Work?
Students can enroll at any time during the year. Class starting dates are scheduled at frequent intervals to enable students to start moving toward their career goals as soon as possible. Class size is limited so that each student can receive the personal attention so vital to successful mastery of the skills and understanding of the subject at hand. A typical classroom at our campus can accommodate up to 30 students and a typical laboratory at our campus can accommodate up to 30 students. The school reserves the right to alter hours of attendance and/or starting dates when deemed necessary.
Such changes will not alter the program costs or refund policy stated in the enrollment agreement. If conditions beyond the control of the school require postponement of a starting date or temporary suspension of classes, appropriate adjustments will be made to provide students all the instruction to which they are entitled under the terms of the enrollment agreement. Students who have enrolled but have not started attending school will, upon request, be issued a refund of monies paid if postponement of classes extends beyond the next class starting date.
Lincoln Tech School Calendar
Program start dates run on a rolling schedule set by the campus administration. Available seats in a new class are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. New class starts begin on an approximate monthly basis for most programs.
Lincoln Tech Class Hours
Programs are available in morning, afternoon and/or evening shifts. Availability of shifts depends on which program is selected. The hours for each shift are within the time frames below:
- Morning Class Hours - 7:00 AM to 12:15 PM
- Afternoon Class Hours – 12:01 PM to 6:20 PM
- Evening Class Hours – 6:00 PM to 11:15 PM
What Is the Lincoln Tech Attendance Policy?
This is a summary of Shelton’s Attendance Policy as of May 30, 2024. The Catalog and its addendum will always reflect the current policy. Please review the course catalog and catalog addendum to determine if any updates have been made.
The technical nature of the training and graduate employability goals of the programs offered requires that students attend classes on a regular basis. Our expectation is that students will attend all sessions for courses in which they are registered. Class attendance is monitored daily commencing with the student’s first official day of attendance and a student will be considered withdrawn from a course or courses when any of the following criteria are met:
- The fourteenth consecutive calendar day of absence (two weeks) with the exception of published holidays and breaks.
- Cumulative absences prevent the student’s ability to master the course content during the remainder of the scheduled course, term, or semester as determined by the course syllabus.
Approved employment interviews (established per school policy) are not counted as absences for attendance purposes.
Students receiving funds from any state or federal agency may be subject to the additional attendance requirements of that specific agency.
A Pending Course Schedule (PCS) student status is a temporary period of non-attendance not to exceed a maximum of 60 calendar days. The status is intended to support student progression and is applied when a student has a course that is not available due to, but not limited to, interruption in their enrollment because of a course failure, a shift change, a leave of absence, or failure to meet graduation requirement. The PCS status is not included in the 150% maximum timeframe calculation.
Note: Calendar-day calculations include all days visible on a calendar without exception.
Attendance for Blended Programs
Blended courses consist of both classroom and online instruction. Students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy through physical attendance in scheduled class sessions AND through online graded assignments submitted weekly. Timeframes for weekly online submissions are designed in the Canvas Course Shell (i.e. Sunday - Saturday). Threaded discussions and reflection exercises are examples of graded assignments used to record weekly attendance for the online portion.
Sending an email to the instructor does not count as an academic activity or a gradable item. Meeting the attendance requirements does not indicate that the student has completed all of the required class work for a particular week. Meeting the attendance requirements indicates only that the student has participated sufficiently to be considered in attendance for that week. Assignments are graded on their merit and according to the established guidelines.
What is the Lincoln Tech Dress Code?
Lincoln tech requires the student to wear industry-standard uniforms for their respective program. The cost of uniforms is included in the student’s tuition. Uniforms vary by program.
How Do I Obtain Transcripts?
Following a review by the School, grade reports (unofficial transcripts and/or degree audits) are issued to the student upon completion of each course or term on the student portal. Individual grade records are permanently maintained for each Student and are open for inspection in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The student will receive an official transcript upon graduation. Requests for official transcripts while in school or additional copies of official transcripts after graduation or replacement diplomas/degrees can be requested through our Request A Transcript page. Lincoln has authorized Parchment Services to provide 24/7 online transcript ordering. Alumni, current and former students can order official transcripts using any major credit card.
Are There Specific Lincoln Tech Requirements?
Lincoln Tech Admission Requirements
In order to be considered for acceptance, an applicant must meet the following requirements: Be a high school graduate or possess a state-approved high school equivalency assessment including, but not limited to:
- a GED, HiSET or TASC examination; or possess an associate’s degree or higher from an accredited institution.
- Complete and sign an Enrollment Agreement.
- Complete the Learner Assessment to determine readiness for academic success.
- Have reliable internet connectivity and access to a device that meets the minimum systems requirements.
See your Admissions contact for current systems requirements.
Lincoln Tech Internship Requirements
In order to participate in the non-didactic part of the program:
- Students must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 cumulative GPA and an overall attendance record of 85% in order to participate in internship.
- Have an approved resumé.
- Should an employer require it, students must submit to a background check and/or a drug screening and/or show proper documentation of required immunization records prior to the start of their last course, module, or class. An unfavorable result may preclude a student from participating in the internship portion of the program, resulting in the student being withdrawn from school.
Graduation Requirements
To be eligible for graduation the following requirements must be met:
- Successfully complete all required courses in the program.
- Achieve an overall Grade Point Average of 2.0 excluding Electrical and HVAC/R programs which require a GPA of 2.5 due to programmatic standards.
- Meet satisfactory academic progress requirement.
Lincoln Tech Graduation Rate
Student graduation rates can be found through the ACCSC Graduate & Placement Percentages link on the East Windsor campus consumer information page. This information is reported to the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges on the Annual Report.
Updates That Supersede Current Catalog Information
Effective January 1, 2024
Friends and Family Education Grant - To be eligible for this grant, the student’s training must start by December 31, 2024
Effective April 21, 2022
Transfer Credits
Transfer Credits - Those students who transfer credits from an accredited postsecondary institution will receive a grade of “TR” as noted in the grading policy. For students who change programs, only those courses that count towards a student’s new program of study will be used to determine satisfactory academic progress. (Page 43)
Test Out
Test Out - Test Out exams provide students the opportunity to be exempt from certain required courses by demonstrating proficiency through assessment in the subject area to verify knowledge and skill.
Applicants requesting to take a test out exam must do so prior to starting school. Not all courses are eligible for test out exam credit, and students cannot have attended past the add/drop period in the course for which they want to test out. To receive credit for a course, the applicant must earn a B on the test out exam on the first attempt. A successful Test Out result is recorded as “TO” on the student transcript and is not considered in computing the Grade Point Average. A nominal administrative fee may apply for Testing Out. Applicants interested in Test Out should see the Education Department Manager.
When a student transfers from one Lincoln program to another Lincoln program, an evaluation is performed of all courses passed and skills / knowledge obtained which may be applicable to the new enrollment. Where course equivalencies are established, the earned grade in the original enrollment is applied to the new enrollment. A grade of “TO” for test out is applied to a course in the Lincoln enrollment when it is evident that the new required skills and knowledge sets had been obtained across multiple passed courses in the original enrollment. (Page 43)
Student Fees
Students who cancel enrollment or withdraw after receiving books and supplies may return these items if they are in good condition within five (5) days following a cancellation notice or twenty (20) days following date of withdrawal. Any refund due for parking fees, student fees or technology fees will be prorated based on use. (Page 32 - Applies to Registration Fee, Student Fee, Uniform Fee, Technology Fee, Parking Fee, Book & Tool Refund Policy)
Effective April 29, 2022
Course Description Revision
1st paragraph of welding course description on page 23:
120 Contact Hrs (60 Lecture, 60 Lab); 5.0 Semester Credits
In this course students are introduced to the type of tasks generally performed by welders and how their skills and knowledge are applied to both the construction and manufacturing industries. Because of its importance students will also learn how safety procedures apply to welding and cutting operations. They will also complete a ten-hour OSHA approved safety orientation that explains job site hazards, accident prevention, and standard safety procedures. Read the complete Welding and Cutting Fundamentals course description for more details.
Effective May 18, 2022
Transfer Credits
Transfer Credits - Transfer applicants must submit a transcript and applicable course description(s) from their former institution that clearly indicates the courses taken, grades achieved and credits awarded.
Approvals & Discontinuations
- Registered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education Division of Private Licensed Schools.
- Licensed by the State of Maine Department of Education
- Certificate of Approval from the Delaware Department of Education
- Discontinued content: the policy “INDIANA REGULATION STATEMENT” from the General Information section on page 27 of the course catalog.
Additional information available on the East Windsor Campus’ course catalog and catalog addendum.
What Certificate and Diploma Programs Are Offered?
The East Windsor campus of Lincoln Technical Institute is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). The following program areas are offered at our East Windsor campus:
Campus Address
Lincoln Technical Institute
97 Newberry Road
East Windsor, CT 06088
United States
Need Help?
Lincoln representatives are always ready and happy to assist you. Our advisors are available seven days a week to help you reach your career goals!
Important outcomes information about students who attended Lincoln Tech can be found at: