Automotive Technician Schools in New Jersey
New Jersey predicts almost 18,000 job openings in the field through 20301
New Jersey predicts almost 18,000 job openings in the field through 20301
There are plenty of automotive technical schools in New Jersey to choose from – but only one name has been in the state for 75 years. That’s Lincoln Tech – and our New Jersey campuses have the facilities, equipment, and instructors you need to turn your passion for cars into a career that won’t feel like “work” every day.
Lincoln Tech's Mahwah and Union campuses are located in the heart of the New Jersey/New York Metropolitan area. This region features the highest employment level in Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics in the United States2. And neighboring New York State predicts almost 54,000 job openings in the field through 20303.
At Lincoln Tech’s automotive technical schools, students receive instruction in:
- Engine repair
- Performance tuning
- Electrical systems
- Diagnostics
- Transmissions and A/C systems
- Brakes, steering systems and suspensions
At out Mahwah campus, fully-equipped auto bays allow you to really experience life “on the job” as an Auto Tech, and career services specialists can help connect you with local shops and dealerships looking for candidates like you. The Mahwah Automotive Service Technology program has two delivery formats: for evening students, a convenient blended-learning format, which allows the student to complete some assignments from home and for day students, an on-ground, in-person learning format.
Call or visit one of our New Jersey campuses today. Programs vary by campus.
1 National Center for O*NET Development. New Jersey Employment Trends: 49-3023.00 - Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved October 27, 2022, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/localtrends/49-3023.00?st=NJ&g=Go
2 Based on Metropolitan areas with the highest employment level in Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics in the NY-NJ Metropolitan area, found at https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes493023.htm Retrieved October 27, 2022.
3 National Center for O*NET Development. New York Employment Trends: 49-3023.00 - Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved October 27, 2022, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/localtrends/49-3023.00?st=NY&g=Go
- Automotive Service Technology (View Course Descriptions)
- Automotive Service Technology (View Course Descriptions)