Practical Nursing — Lincoln
LPN112DRIT — Diploma Program
CIP Code: 51.3901
SOC Code: 29-2061
Day and Evening Programs
Total Semester Credit Hours | 67.0 |
Instructional Hours | 1425 |
Weeks to Complete — Day | Approximately 52 weeks (including holidays and scheduled breaks) |
Weeks to Complete — Evening | Approximately 90 weeks (including holidays and scheduled breaks) |
Program Objective
The Practical Nursing Program is designed for the adult learner who wishes to pursue a career in nursing. The program graduates are eligible to sit for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN). If a graduate of the program obtains licensure there will be a variety of employment opportunities including, but not limited to, physician offices, clinics, nursing homes, home care and rehabilitation centers.
Nursing is a caring profession that assists individuals, families, groups, and communities in the promotion of optimal health. Nursing is a dynamic profession that works with other members of the healthcare team to promote wellness and assist in preventing illness, restoring health, and facilitating coping. The aim of nursing is to provide individualized, holistic, and culturally competent care to the diverse communities they serve.
Practical Nurses function as a contributing member of the health care team by providing nursing care under the direction of a registered nurse or licensed physician. The Practical Nursing scope of practice includes contributing to data collection, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the plan of care utilizing critical thinking and sound clinical judgement.
Duties may include assignment of specific tasks and reinforcing teaching of basic nursing skills and principles. Practical nurses provide safe, quality care within the legal and ethical framework of the nursing profession.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 30 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 75 Total Credits 4.0 Prerequisites None
Course Description
This course begins with a focus on basic medical terminology. Then the emphasis is placed in interpreting and comprehending the specialized vocabulary of the health care field. In addition, the course encompasses aspects of anatomy, physiology, chemistry concepts, and microbiology concepts. A detailed analysis of the anatomical structure of the body based on a systemic approach will be explained and examined in depth. Subject matter to be covered in part I include; the nervous system, muscular system, integumentary system, skeletal system, and the sensory system. The course will discuss how body parts influence each other and contribute to the effective overall functioning in maintaining homeostasis. In addition lab experiences will be used to help enhance the learning process.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 90 Lab / Shop Hours 30 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 120 Total Credits 7.0 Prerequisites None
Course Description
This course explores sociological processes that underlie everyday life. The course Fundamentals of Nursing I is designed to provide the students with nursing skills, techniques, attitudes and behaviors, which are necessary for the provision of safe, effective, ethical, culturally sensitive and efficient nursing care. Students will learn the basics of personal care, basic prevention, and concepts of nutrition and diet therapies. In addition, an introduction to the nursing process and the legal and ethical aspects of nursing, historical events, historical trends, and communication skills with the emphasis on therapeutic communication will be discussed. The student will be introduced to the nursing care plan required for each client in the health care setting. Students will learn cultural and spiritual aspects of nursing care. Focus will be placed on respecting patient cultural differences, needs and values while promoting a healthy lifestyle. The geriatric patient will be emphasized to prepare students for their first clinical assignment and cultural implications for this aging population. The students will demonstrate basic nursing skills in the Nursing Arts Lab. Skills will include infection control, patient safety, bathing, transferring, ulcer prevention, vital signs, and basic physical assessment. Students will be introduced to simulation.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 45 Total Credits 3.0 Prerequisites None
Course Description
Students develop written communication skills, with emphasis placed on the principles of effective communication which includes understanding the writing process, analysis of readings, as can be applied personally and professionally.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 0 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 45 Total Hours 45 Total Credits 1.0 Prerequisites None Course Description
This clinical experience focuses on basic patient care. Clinical Competencies must be successfully completed to receive a passing grade. The student is provided the opportunity to care for chronically ill patients with a focus on culturally sensitive care.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 30 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 75 Total Credits 4.0 Prerequisites SCI170T
Course Description
This course is a continuation of Anatomy and Physiology I. The primary focus encompasses anatomy and physiology, chemistry and microbiology concepts of the Circulatory, Cardiovascular, Immune, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Endocrine, Urinary and the Reproductive systems. This course also relates how the parts of the body influence each other and contribute to effective overall functioning in maintaining homeostasis. We will continue with the detailed analysis of anatomical structures of the body based on a systemic approach and enhanced medical terminology. Lab experiments will include but will not be limited to: specific dissection of main body organs and performing examinations of various tissues.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 30 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 75 Total Credits 4.0 Prerequisites SCI170T , PN176RT , CEN111RT
Course Description
Fundamentals of Nursing II is designed to expand on the knowledge of previous nursing courses. The emphasis will be on increasingly complex nursing procedures, techniques, and diagnostic tests. Critical thinking skills and the Nursing Process will be utilized by the student to assist the client to obtain an optimum level of functioning on the wellness/illness continuum. Students will begin to integrate basic nutritional concepts, along with the fundamental processes of admission, transfer and discharge. Documentation and charting principles continue to expand as the student moves through this course. Students will continue to learn skills in the Nursing Arts Lab. These skills will include Foley catheter insertion for male and female, maintenance of a patent system, enemas, suppositories, colostomy care, wound care, tracheostomy care, suctioning, oxygenation, and care of the surgical patient. The focus will also be on cultural implications while performing procedures and providing care.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 45 Total Credits 3.0 Prerequisites None
Course Description
This course introduces human behavior. It includes the study of the theories and concepts of psychology including the scope of psychology, biological foundations and the brain, sensation, perception, motivation, personality, learning/memory, emotion, states of consciousness, personality theories, cognition, life-span development, and applied psychology.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 0 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 90 Total Hours 90 Total Credits 2.0 Prerequisites SCI170T , PN176RT , CEN111RT Course Description
This clinical experience compliments PN177 Fundamentals of Nursing II course. Clinical competencies must be successfully completed to receive a passing grade for this course. Clinical experiences will focus on practicing the procedures learned in the laboratory setting in the clinical area. Emphasis will be placed on providing culturally sensitive holistic care to a variety of patients.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 30 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 30 Total Credits 2.0 Prerequisites SCI170T , SCI171T , PN176RT , PN177RT , CEN111RT , CEN112RT
Course Description
This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of care for the client with Mental Health needs throughout the life span. This course will focus on current theories, treatment modalities, pharmacology and therapeutic communication. Emphasis will be placed on developing an understanding of the manifestations of a variety of mental health disorders. The nursing process will be utilized to respond to various cultural, ethical, legal, emotional and behavioral issues.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 0 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 135 Total Hours 135 Total Credits 3.0 Prerequisites SCI170T, SCI171T, PN176RT, PN177RT, CEN111RT, CEN112RT
Course Description
This clinical experience compliments PN180R Introduction to Nursing Across the Life Span. The focus will be on selected system’s disorders along with multi-system disorders and their effect on the patient’s bio-psychosocial, spiritual and cultural well-being. Emphasis will be placed on the practical nurse’s role in the sub-acute and / or acute care settings and may include patients of all ages. Clinical experiences will provide the student with the opportunity to utilize therapeutic communication skills while interacting with adults and/or adolescents within the mental health setting including in mental health settings.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 15 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 60 Total Credits 3.5 Prerequisites SCI170T , SCI171T , PN176RT , PN177RT , CEN111RT , CEN112RT
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to various medication classification systems, and medication effects on the human organism. This course also includes a comprehensive review of mathematical functions as they relate to dosage calculations. The student will be required to take a Dosage Calculation Exam. This course also includes medication administration and requires the student to demonstrate competency in medication administration in the laboratory setting. Pharmacology with Medication Lab acquaints the student with the basic classification systems for medications as well as the general action, use, side effects and nursing implications common to each classification system.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 15 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 60 Total Credits 3.5 Prerequisites SCI170T , SCI171T , PN176RT , PN177RT , CEN111RT , CEN112RT
Course Description
The systems approach to this first introductory course is designed to provide the student with a broad base knowledge of selected diseases and disorders which effect individuals as they move along the wellness/illness continuum. Emphasis will be placed on using the nursing process to meet the unique needs of each patient and family and/or support system during disruptions of health with the goal of returning the individual to an optimal level of wellness or to support them through the experiences of death. Cultural and ethnic implications and variations will be examined to provide the student with a holistic experience. Multi-system disorders will be integrated throughout this course to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of alterations in health. Emphasis will be placed on appropriate methods of health maintenance where applicable, diet therapy, and the use of medications for the restoration and maintenance of health.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 30 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 30 Total Credits 2.0 Prerequisites SCI170T , SCI171T , PN176RT , PN177RT , CEN111RT , PN178T , PN180RT , CEN112RT , CEN113RT , PN179T
Course Description
Maternal/Child nursing is designed to give students an understanding of basic physiological processes and nursing care involved in pregnancy, labor and delivery and the post-partum period. This course includes the care of the neonate, post-obstetrical family unit, neonatal complications and adaptation are also incorporated. Basic nutrition needs are addressed for each client. Emphasis will be placed on cultural implications and providing culturally sensitive care.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 0 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 90 Total Hours 90 Total Credits 2.0 Prerequisites SCI170T, SCI171T, PN176RT, PN177RT, CEN111RT, PN178T, PN179T, PN180RT, CEN112RT, CEN113RT Course Description
This clinical experience is a component of PN201 Nursing Across the Life Span I. The focus will be on selected system’s disorders along with multi-system disorders and their effect on the patient’s bio-psychosocial, spiritual and cultural well-being. Emphasis will be placed on the practical nurse’s role in the sub-acute and / or acute care settings and may include patients of all ages. The student may have the opportunity to observe/interact with culturally diverse patients in a maternity and newborn setting or simulated lab setting.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 105 Lab / Shop Hours 15 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 120 Total Credits 7.5 Prerequisites SCI170T , SCI171T , PN176RT , PN177RT , CEN111RT , PN178T , PN180RT , CEN112RT , CEN113RT , PN179T
Course Description
The systems approach to this course is designed to provide the student with broad base knowledge of selected diseases and disorders which effect individuals as they move along the wellness/illness continuum. Emphasis will be placed on using the nursing process to meet the unique needs of each patient and family and/or support system during disruptions of health with the goal of returning the individual to an optimal level of wellness or to support them through the experiences of death. Cultural and ethnic implications and variations will be examined to provide the student with a holistic experience. Basic pathophysiology will be examined along with selected system disorders. Emphasis will be placed on appropriate methods of health maintenance where applicable, diet therapy, and the use of medications for the restoration and maintenance of health. Multi-system disorders will be integrated throughout this course to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of alterations in health.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 45 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 45 Total Credits 3.0 Prerequisites None
Course Description
This course provides an overview of the biological, social, emotional, and psychosocial process that contribute to human growth and development across the life span. Areas covered include theories of development, learning and personality. Also included will be concepts of sociology, culture, status, role, and identity to each developmental stage of life. Areas of care for late adulthood include physical and psychosocial changes, strengths and limitations which occur as part of the aging process including end-of-life issues. This course is designed to introduce the student to the sequential stages of human growth and development, and the principles of the normal aging process.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 75 Lab / Shop Hours 15 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 90 Total Credits 5.5 Prerequisites SCI170T , SCI171T , PN176RT , PN177RT , CEN111RT , PN178T , PN179T , PN180RT , PN182T , CEN112RT , CEN113RT , CEN204RT , PN201RT , PSY105T
Course Description
The systems approach to this course is designed to provide the student with a broad base knowledge of selected diseases and disorders which effect individuals as they move along the wellness/illness continuum. Emphasis will be placed on using the nursing process to meet the unique needs of each patient and family and/or support system during disruptions of health with the goal of returning the individual to an optimal level of wellness or to support them through the experiences of death. Cultural and ethnic implications and variations will be examined to provide the student with a holistic experience. Basic pathophysiology will be examined along with selected system disorders. Emphasis will be placed on appropriate methods of health maintenance where applicable, diet therapy, and the use of medications for the restoration and maintenance of health. Multi-system disorders will be integrated throughout this course to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of alterations in health.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 0 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 135 Total Hours 135 Total Credits 3.0 Prerequisites SCI170T, SCI171T, PN176RT, PN177RT, CEN111RT, PN178T, PN179T, CEN112RT, CEN113RT, CEN204RT, PN180RT, PN182T, PN201RT, PSY105T Course Description
This clinical experience compliments PN202 Nursing Across the Life Span II. The focus will be on selected system’s disorders along with multi-system disorders and their effect on the patient’s bio-psychosocial, spiritual and cultural well-being. Emphasis will be placed on the practical nurse’s role in the sub-acute and / or acute care settings and may include patients of all ages. The student will step into the role of team-leader with a beginning group of students and will work under the direct supervision of the clinical instructor. This clinical rotation will prepare the student to transition into the graduate practical nursing role.
Lincoln Tech
Lecture Hours 60 Lab / Shop Hours 0 Internship Hours 0 Total Hours 60 Total Credits 4.0 Prerequisites SCI170T , SCI171T , PN176RT , PN177RT , CEN111RT , PN178T , PN179T , CEN112RT , CEN113RT, CEN204RT , PN180RT , PN182T , PN201RT , PSY105T
Course Description
In Professional Development, students explore the role of the practical nurse, the clinical decision-making process; problem-solving/critical thinking; ethical/legal/moral decision-making; supervision and leadership responsibilities, professional socialization consistent with scope of practice, identification and intervention of the chemically-dependent student/nurse. Role transition, leadership and management in practical nursing among other current topics are important aspects of nursing the student explores. Skill emphasis includes organization, management and exercising authority. The course focus moves from practical nursing student, to role transition, licensing and the responsibilities of the graduate practical nurse along with a discussion concerning the RI State Board of Nursing’s structure, function and role. Emphasis will be placed on preparation for the NCLEX-PN including review of content material in conjunction with test taking skills and practice tests. A session on Disaster Nursing and the practical nurse’s role along with Bioterrorism issues will be included. In order to pass this course, a passing grade must be achieved on the exit exam.
Course numbers and sequences are listed here for reference only. The actual delivery sequence of courses contained in this program may vary depending on individual campus scheduling.
Clinical experiences are integrated into the program. Students are required to complete and master all clinical skills of each section prior to moving to the next level. Clinical hours are not optional and are required to complete the program. Clinical hours vary each module. No more than 10% of the total hours of clinical may be missed. Actual times for clinical are set by the clinical sites. An average clinical day is 7.5 hours. Students are responsible for transportation to and from the clinical site, as well as meals.
Maximum Time Frame (MTF) = 75.0 Semester Credits
*Mode of Delivery: Residential, Blended Learning or Online are the methods we may use to deliver content in each course. The Residential courses are offered on ground at the campus. Blended courses are offered by delivering a fraction of the course in an online format as well as traditional face to face method. Online courses are delivered 100% online. The Blended delivery and online delivery plan will implement distance education activities into each course in the program of study. The use of simulations, case studies, assessments and multimedia will be used to enhance the students understanding of the learning objectives outlined in the course syllabus.

The Practical Nursing diploma program at Lincoln Tech's Lincoln, RI, campus is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, Georgia 30326. Visit ACEN on the web at www.acenursing.org. The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the practical nursing program is continuing accreditation. View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program using the ACEN's accredited program search form.
For Lincoln Tech's Practical Nursing graduation, placement and licensure pass rates, please see our ACEN Student Achievement Outcomes Data.
The listing of credits is not meant to imply that credits can be transferred into college or other private career school programs. Transfer credits are at the sole discretion of the receiving school.