Electrical / Electronics in Illinois
More than 30,000 Electrical Technician Jobs Projected in Illinois by 20301
More than 30,000 Electrical Technician Jobs Projected in Illinois by 20301
With over 30,000 job openings projected in the electrical technician jobs in Illinois by 2030, now is the time to pursue a career in the Electrical and Electronic Systems industry1. Add it all up, and you’ll see that the time is right to train and enter this in-demand field! Earn a diploma in Electrical and Electronic Systems Technology at our Illinois electrician school, or increase your earning potential with a Service Management Associates Degree. As a trained electrician or electronic systems technician, you’ll have plenty of career options to choose from.
Low-voltage electronics along with high-voltage electrical equipment like cabling, lighting fixtures, magnetic coils and relays are included in the training program at our electrician school in Melrose Park, just outside of Chicago. You’ll train inside our “Smart House” facility, troubleshoot home security installation systems, and gain hands-on experience working with mobile communications equipment.
At Lincoln Tech’s electrician school, students receive instruction in:
- Fire alarm systems, security and closed-circuit TV systems
- Electronic and electrical principles
- Fiber optics and telecomm systems
- A/V, home theater and satellite/cable TV systems
- Controls and wiring
- Computers and networking
- The foundation and history of the electrical industry
Learn more about how our Illinois electrician school can help you get ‘wired’ for a career path with great potential - request more information today.
1 National Center for O*NET Development. Illinois Employment Trends: 47-2111.00 - Electricians. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved January 20, 2023, from https://www.onetonline.org/link/localtrends/47-2111.00?st=IL&g=Go
Melrose Park–IL
- Electrical And Electronic Systems Technology (View Course Descriptions)
- Electrical and Electronic Systems Technology Service Management (View Course Descriptions)