Honoring Those Who Have Served on Veterans Day, November 11th

This Veterans Day, November 11th, as Lincoln Tech thanks those who have served to keep our country safe and free, we wanted to take a moment to honor those who were taken from us. Their faces might appear on the news, and we all feel a sense of loss. As a nation, we’re able to move on – but their long journey home is just beginning.
Lincoln Tech has a long history of supporting those who sacrifice so much for us. And history shows that a veteran’s mindset, along with the dedication, discipline and motivation they practiced during their time in the military, becomes an asset when exploring career options. Lincoln Tech opened its doors in Newark, NJ back in 1946 specifically to help returning WWII servicemen. The goal was to provide hands-on training to assist in the transition from the military back to civilian life.
The first two programs Lincoln Tech offered were air conditioning and refrigeration installment and service. Automotive courses were added in 1948. Since then, Lincoln campuses around the country have added dozens of hands-on training programs to help prepare veterans for careers in a wide range of industries such as Computerized Manufacturing, Dental Assistant, Practical Nursing, Electrical/Electronics, Diesel Technology, Alternate Fuels, Welding Technology, Medical Assistant, Renewable Energy, and more.
Choosing a career path is just the beginning. Lincoln Tech is there for Vets throughout their time on our campuses and beyond. Lincoln maintains contacts with veterans’ services and programs around the country that offer additional assistance, and can help navigate the Veteran Affairs benefits that help vets pay for tuition and housing.
Perhaps White House Chief of Staff and retired United States Marine Corp General John Kelly put it best at an October 19th press conference, when asked to address outreach to the families of fallen military personnel. “There’s tens of thousands of American kids, young men and women, that wear our uniform and are deployed around the world,” he said. “These young people today, they don’t do it for any other reason than their selfless devotion to this great nation. So just think of that.”