Going Green in Your Career – Energy Efficiency and Green Technology in HVAC.

While you might normally associate red and blue (hot and cold) with Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning jobs, the hottest color in that industry right now is green. In response to the ever-changing climate, the increase in clean technologies, and millennials’ drive to be more socially aware, HVAC jobs are popular options for environmentally-conscious individuals to pursue. For the month of April, as we celebrate Earth Day, Lincoln Tech has crafted a series of blogs about “Going Green in Your Career,” and first up is HVAC.
HVAC is Lincoln Tech’s Past, Present and Future.
Lincoln Tech’s first location opened in 1946 in Newark, NJ to provide HVAC training to returning World War II Vets. Since that time, Lincoln Tech has trained tens of thousands of students across the United States. In fact, Lincoln Tech is the #1 provider of HVAC technicians in both New Jersey (Mahwah and Union campuses) and Maryland (Columbia campus). Lincoln Tech is the #2 provider in Connecticut (East Windsor and New Britain campuses), and a leading provider in Georgia (Marietta Campus) and Texas (Grand Prairie campus). At the Denver, CO campus, nearly 90% of HVAC graduates are hired after graduation.
Lincoln's HVAC program introduces students to Green Technology - green alternatives to traditional heating and cooling systems, as well as Solar Thermal and Geothermal Green Technologies. As the first school in the country to incorporate Energy Auditing courses from the Green Mechanical Council, Lincoln Tech trains students in technology that enhances their skills and marketability to employers.
Green Houses - the Best Place to Practice Green Technology
Many Lincoln Tech schools feature special energy-auditing training structures, known as “Green Houses” on campus. Once students build a basic understanding of the science and technology crucial to becoming HVAC professionals, they begin training in these houses to simulate the kinds of assessments and troubleshooting they’ll perform every day on the job. “In general, students can expect to start working in the energy auditing house after about their eighth class,” says Richard Pasznik, an instructor at Lincoln Tech in Union, NJ. Students learn how to test duct work in walls and ceilings, and practice using thermal imaging cameras and a blower door/manometer testing system to check for leaks that can result in higher energy bills and lower system efficiency. “They then make recommendations on where insulation might need to be replaced or installed, as if they were auditing a customer’s home for energy efficiency,” explains Pasznik.
Prior to graduation, HVAC students are encouraged to complete certification testing conducted by either GreenMech (Green Mechanical Council), BPI (Building Performance Institute), or RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network. As an HVAC technician, students often wind up specializing in installing, maintaining and repairing all types of green climate-control systems. “We’ve had students hired by top-tier companies as building engineers, customer service repair techs and countermen at local supply houses,” offers Joe Bellucci, Director of Education at Lincoln Tech’s Mahwah campus. “A few students were hired by cruise lines as HVAC technicians. A perfect position for a single person looking for a fantastic professional opportunity. And, an interesting way to see the world and get paid while doing so.”
If a green career in HVAC interests you, please reach out to your local campus for more information or to schedule a tour. Lincoln Tech also provides training for other industries that put a priority on being environmentally friendly. Check out Lincoln Tech’s Electrical and Renewable Energy Technology and/or Diesel and Truck with Alternative Fuel Technology.